: "Document title"
title: "Your Name"
html-resources: true
Homework 3
Logistic, LDA, QDA, Naive Bayes, and KNN
Due 4/23/2024 at 1pm
Creating a new project. and giving it a sensible name such as homework3 and having that project in the course folder you created.
Create a new quarto document and give it a sensible name such as hw3.
In the
add the following (add what you don’t have). The embed-resources component will make your final renderedhtml
- Though the book used R code for base R, I want you to complete the exercises using functions from tidymodels.
- Set a seed before each problem.
- Make sure your answers print results. If the output is a large table, use the head() function to shorten the output.
- Complete exercise chapter 5, number 5 in ISLR.
- Replace (b) (iii) with the following: Obtain prediction of default status of each individual in the validation set.
Complete exercise chapter 4, number 12 in ISLR.
Complete exercise chapter 4, number 13 in ISLR. NOTE: Confusion matrix is the two-way table.
Complete exercise chapter 4, number 16 in ISLR.
When you are finished with your homework, be sure to Render the final document. Once rendered, you can download your file by:
- Finding the .html file in your File pane (on the bottom right of the screen)
- Click the check box next to the file
- Click the blue gear above and then click “Export” to download
- Submit your final html document to the respective assignment on Moodle